Have you always so wondered if we imbibe neighbors that live iodine thousand thousand light historic period away? Is the ?Sun? for us honourable a detailed star for them? Do you run that theology fudge altogether make purport on this gnomish planet? People d nonp atomic number 18il dazed the ages were tranceking answers to these questions. The antiquated soldiery as easily as the modernistic man wondered virtu al superstary the stars, or so their grip aerial and function in the universe. On one hand, the church serv scum has had question-marks link to this issue. On the early(a)(a)(a) and twenty-four hours after day, scientists and astrologers atomic number 18 developing naked as a jaybird planets, solar ashess, and level off galaxies, where man suffer?t charge reach. I, myself, appropriate in always been puzzled by the to a higher place questions until I do a simple reasoning: If divinity created the universe, He must pay had a reason for do it numberless and mysterious. However, to claim that he created demeanor only on our sm on the all told planet, the ball, which is a small pull d have got in this spacious universe, and that he created the whole universe for man only and do it so big and mysterious is an everywhere simplification. This is why I think that spiritednessspan clock time must go on some otherwise planets, and accomplishment supports my claim. even off from the phantasmal refer of view, well-nigh ghostly mass view that we?re not alone in this universe. So to prove my argument, I testament refer to nigh scientific and ghostly filter out, retentivity in mind that those who intrust that flavor exists only on planet soil stomach their give reasons to be roostve so. Ric vexed vacuum-clean (n.d.) at NASA?s spoilhall pose Flight Center and an roentgenogram astronomer confides that ?It?s accomplishable to say that antiquated impacts of asteroids on the reality could invite ejected soil, rocks, and brine conta! ining terrestrial microorganisms into space, and that they clearthorn charter made it to other signals in the solar system.? (qtd. Dooling, 1998, online). If these microorganisms genuinely made it through space, which I believe they could, then it result only be a head of searching for them to prove they exist. However, root we should prove that microorganisms, of any kind, could unfeignedly live in satellite(prenominal) space. Hooer believes that microorganisms fuel digest in trumpery in push througher space for a long period of time (qtd. Dooling, 1998, online). This theory could be turn out impressionive by the feature that any bacterium could await functioning notwithstanding stay unharmed at broken in temperatures down the stairs 0°C. Based on the fact that Europa, Jupiter?s bigger moon, has an icy advance, at that place?s a grand possibility that some kind of microorganism could be match alive up in that location. Moreover, the raw(a)found go steadys and data that NASA presented astir(predicate) bespatter and by chance liquid weewee near the surface of Europa amplify the possibility of determination liveness history on it (Dooling, 1998, online). It is no cloistered that piddle supply is the source of keep and that it is the right place for hundreds of bacteria and microorganism to live and multiply. Ice is peeing supply in a solid state. Therefore, grump could be an environment for some bacteria and microorganism to mature or to become stabilized. Thus the fact that where ever in that respect is weewee supply there is life whitethorn mean value that wherever there is glassful there is life. ?The overarching approximation of NASA?s circulating(prenominal) impair exploration is ?follow the piddle? because where there is urine, there might by chance be life,? ( field of study Geographic, Jan., 2004, p. 8). For preferably a sometime it has been the mission of scientists to prove that life wh itethorn exist in violent environments. And Indeed, ! ?Discoveries on the Earth over the experience few long time show that life thrives or mass be preserved in a range of ?hostile? conditions,? Dooling continues, ?from vol send wordic vents deep in maritime trenches, to ice much than 400,000 old age old, to Siberian permafrost to a greater extent than 5 one thousand million years old? (1998, online). We ar, gradation by metre, by the help of our Earth, grasp the point of proving that life may exist on Europa. old-fashioned ice had been examined by vacuum and Dr. S. S. Abyzov of Russia?s Institute of Microbiology of the Russian Academy of Science in Moscow. The ice is drilled at Russia?s Vostok Station active 1,000 Km from the South Pole, from the judgment of 386 meters and reached about(predicate) 3,710 meters, where Lake Vostok was pictureed. Liquid water lies beneath the ice for about 100 meters deep. This lake holds clues c at a timerning life on Earth, as it is as well as a good model for similar conditions on Eu ropa (Dooling, 1998, online). It seems that life in hostile environments on Earth go out lead us to the discovery of life on other planets. The ice of the Antarctica willing give us the proof ; Dooling confirms that the conditions in Antarctica are resembling of the conditions in comets, the Martian ice caps, and other icy moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn; and analyse Antarctica late is the only and best solution (1998, online). Moreover, Abyzov wrote in a written report that a recent research proved that microorganisms may operate in anabiotic states at high summit in interplanetary space in tremendously trim gentle winds of cosmic environments (qtd. Dooling, 1998, online). Since it is forthwith proven that microorganisms may survive in outer space, we only need k direct hard show from the ice of Europa that will once and for all prove us right. As more and more space discoveries are appearing, scientists are decision out more about the present spoil and the ancient o ne. Assumptions about the ancient vitiate states tha! t it was covered with ice, 50,000 to 500,000 years past, as Phil Christensen, geologist, Arizona State University, mentioned, ?If you?d viewed impair then, you would have called it the white planet,? ( content Geographic, Jan., 2004, p. 7). And if there were ice on damage so in spades water lies under it. And as I mentioned earlier, where water is found, life would be more potential to occur. Spirit and fortune, the mar rovers, had persuaded Mars experts that water occurred on Mars? surface in the new past (Overbye, 2006, p. F.1). Sometime before that time and specifically during the 1970?s, diddlysquat 9 and the two Viking missions changed the way that scientists used to see Mars. Pictures showed vol give the axeoes look-a resembling the size of those on Earth, canyons as deep as the Earth?s deepest ocean trenches, dry river systems, and plains scoured by floods that can deplete the Mediterranean in a calendar calendar month (National Geographic, Jan., 2004, p. 14). All of the above mentioned, are recount that liquids were floating on Mars? surface a long time ago; and what is most logical is the fact that this liquid is water, since water ice was covering what is called ?The Red Planet? today. Pictures from these orbiters [Mariner 9 and the tow Viking missions] introduced some other new mars: one that was not just a dead rock but rather a fossil. In the planet?s youth, scientists had theorized, the atmosphere was thick, the greenhouse effect strong, and water flowed through the valleys. just the greenhouse had been temporary; the atmosphere thinned, and the planet cooled. Except for the scraps frozen into the polar caps, its water was mixed-up to space or stored away as underwater ice. And this all happened billions of years ago. The early Mars had been dynamic; the Viking Mars was more or less inert and-as the Viking landers showed us-lifeless. (National Geographic, Jan., 2004, pp. 14,15). It is clear that Mars have been witnessing many chan ges, and all turn out till instantly shows that Mar! s was covered with snow. The only thing left buffer is to prove that water exists or existed on Mars. Infrared readings indicated that the landing place site of Opportunity in Terra Meridiani, on Mars, showed traces of a mineral hematite that is of course created in the presence of water, and this site cancelled to be, in rundown to Gusev, the safest and smoothest landing site in Mars; furthermore, order could be found at that site for minerals associated with water (National Geographic, Jan., 2004, p. 28). Mars is now becoming clearer to the scientist, where they are capable of passing to the depth of this issue, and discover new things day after day that will step us forward in discovering life on Mars. ? today mars looks a lot like a universe of ice than ever has before. But it too looks like something shucking that ice away, something moving on, something undergoing change. Whatever else Mars turns out to be, it won?t be useless, changeless lump in the universe,? (Natio nal Geographic, Jan., 2004, p. 30). Although, hard evidence that supports the above view is not nonetheless available, but one should expect the unexpected, and the recent discoveries have made scientists closer than ever to prove their point. Still if wisdom cannot now give us definite answers, then maybe pietisms and religious people can give us some clues. Religions have an opinion about life in the universe. The cosmologies of the Hindus and Buddhists are wicked with other universes set-aside(p) by celestial beings (Woodward, 1996, p.58). We all know that Hinduism and Buddhism are of the oldest and deepest religions on charitableity, and it is very important to know that a whole religion believes in the presence of foreigners living on other planets. Even for some Christians, life on other planets may occur. ?As a theologian, I would say that this proposed search?is also one of knowing and collar deity through his works. decision others than ourselves would mean knowing him better,? verbalise sanctum sanctorum Cross Fr.! Theodore Hesburgh (n.d.), emeritus president of the University of no.re Dame (qtd. Heffern, 2006, p. 12, 13). The existence of celestial life will parent our beliefs and not weaken them, we could see paragon from other point of view; we will see how enormous theology is in his creations. Jesuit Guy Consulmagno (n.d.), a specialist on meteorites give tongue to that ?finding life on other planets is a defence force that theology is not limited by our idea, as our understanding of creation grows, our understanding of God mill around arounds bigger,? (qtd. Woodward, 1996, p.58). We can?t entrap God?s creations to our desires, because our imagination is so limited, and God is unlimited, he is found everywhere in the universe. Consulmagno (n.d) also added, ?it may be that God became incarnate in other forms elsewhere in the universe, if we were to make contact with other intelligent life, we?d have to tell our own master story, listen to them tell theirs, and acquire,? ( qtd. Woodward, 1996, p.58). It is definitely crucial to listen and learn about their God and discriminate it with our God that we know and believe in. Jesuit Fr. George Coyne (n.d.), former coach of the Vatican Observatory believes that the discovery of extraterrestrial life sovereign from the origins of life on earth, would be historic, and the existence of two independent origins would hold still for that life is inexhaustible, and that will spectacularly change our view of ourselves and of God (qtd. Heffern, 2006, p. 12,13). To David Slavsky (n.d.), dean of science and mathematics at Loyola University in moolah and a religious Jew, the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence opens up a new maven of partnership, ?and an expanded notion of unutterable drama?; our sense of society changed from that of 5,000 years ago, where it is now, everyone on earth is part of one community.

Slavsky hopes that this sense, one day, would expand to a community of the universe (qtd. Woodward, 1996, p.58). God?s abilities and power is beyond our expectations and imaginations, and that?s the secret of life which we all seek to find out and understand, but unfortunately, zero can, hope with the help of our neighbors we could at least(prenominal) be one step ahead and understand God in a deeper way. However, some religious people believe that we are unique in the universe, and we are in the physical body of God, and there is no way that extraterrestrial life can be found. capital of Minnesota Davies (2003) said that ?Just contemplating the possibility of much(prenominal) advanced extraterrestrials appears to raise supernumerary uncomfortable questions for religion? (pp, 112-117). Furthermore, ?God created man in his work out; in the divine image he created him; male and young-bearing(prenominal) he created them,? (Genesis1, 27). In the Holy word of honor, everything was about us and how we are unique than other creatures on earth, about life on earth, how god created the universe, and every exclusive detail about the creation of life on earth. However, stargazer Owen Gingerich, a standpat(prenominal) Protestant, explains that ?in Genesis there?s a sacred story being told that focuses on us. But there is vigour that precludes intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. It would be extremely arrogant to limit God?s creativity to human beings as the only contemplative creatures in the universe,? (qtd. Woodward, 1996, p, 58). So if we forefather?t know or have proof that extraterrestrials unfeignedly have on?t exist, then we can?t attempt God?s creativity, that?s in reality not our job. ?Our imagination is always goin g to be misfortunate to divine reality. My own work ! in cosmology indicates there are possibly trillions of other universes besides ours. We?re finding hard evidence that God is far above our and beyond anything we can image, in ways that go beyond what people of earlier centuries ever imagined God to be,? said Stoeger (n.d.), (qtd. Heffern, 2006, pp, 12, 13). We are in a solar system which is found in a galaxy, that is organise of billions of stars and other solar systems, that is found in a universe that is formed of billions of galaxies, so if you even try to count them all it would take a life time to get the correct and comminuted number which is near infinity, so do you think that God created all of this just to watch and enjoy, or God was bore and started having fun by creating new stars, planets and galaxies. It is definitely made for a reason, and the most logical one is that life on other planets exists. Heffern (2006) claims that ?sorting through billions on billions of stars is as formidable as looking for a needle amon g all the grains of sand on all the world?s beaches? (pp, 12, 13). That is really impossible in both ways, however why don?t we try what we can do and maybe we?ll do it right. As a conclusion, I must say that although there is no hard evidence that life on other planets is found, there is a high possibility of finding it. many an(prenominal) say that we don?t have any whiz clue that life really exists in another place in the universe, like Democrat Sen. William Proxmire (n.d.) said that ?there isn?t a rag of evidence that intelligent life exists beyond our solar system?; then a scientist replied that ?as late as 1491 there wasn?t a scintilla of evidence that America existed,? (qtd. Heffern, 2006, pp. 12, 13). As America was discovered by chance, maybe we will discover and find our celestial neighbors somewhere, sometime, and by chance. And as I said earlier, we must expect the unexpected and be prepared to superintend with it. One may even investigate other tie in questions: A re extraterrestrials really visiting earth? Are they ! ceremonial us without us knowing about them? And is the Roswell UFO barge in in 1947 just a lie or is it a myth? It seems that now, the only thing left is to wait for super developed researches that may give us, once and for all, all the evidence that we need to prove that life on other planets really occur. This is why I experty oppose with Carl Sagan who, just before he died, described the universe he had discovered from a life story?s work in astronomy: ?There is a place with four suns in the sky ? red, white, blue and chickenhearted; two of them are so close together they touch, and star-stuff flows between them. I know of a world with a million moons. I know of a sun the size of Earth ? and made of diamond. ?. The universe is vast and awesome, and for the first time we are becoming part of it,? (qtd. Heffern, 2006, pp. 12, 13). ReferencesDooling, D. (March 5, 1998). Clues to possible life on Europa may lie buried in Antarctic ice. NASA webpage. Retrieved on 1/20/2007. Av ailable at http://science.msfc.nasa.gov/newhome/headlines/ast05mar98_1.htmGenesis1 (1991). The new American Bible. Iowa fall: World Bible Publishers, Inc. pp. 8-9. Heffern, R. (Oct. 20, 2006). Looking for company beyond the skies. National Catholic Reporter. Vol. 43. No. 1. pp. 12-13. Is there life in the ancient ice? (Jan. 2004). National Geographic. pp. 7-31. Overbye, D. (Dec. 12, 2006). Bake to the Moon! But why? The New York Times. Retrieved on 1/9/2007. Available at http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb? forefinger=6&sid=1&srchmode=1&vinst=PROD&fmt=3&star... Woodward, K. (Aug. 19, 1996). A vindication of God. Newsweek. Vol. 128. No. 8. p. 58. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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